2018 Annual Workforce Summit - Presentations and Materials
Friday, Nov. 2, 2018 - Glacier Canyon Lodge, Wisconsin Dells
AAMC Workforce (Dr. Scott Shipman, AAMC)
Workforce Strategic Planning (Sunshine Balistreri, Provider Workforce Planning Manager, Aurora Health Care)
Workforce Data: What We Know, Don’t Know, Need to Know, and Why It Matters (Moderated by Tim Size, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative)
George Quinn, Executive Director, Wisconsin Council on Medical Education and Workforce
Tara Streit, President, Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants
Linda Young, Dean, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire
Medical College of Wisconsin: Expanding into Central Wisconsin (Dr. Lisa Dodson, Campus Dean, MCW Central Wisconsin)
presenter biographies
Meet the experts! Leaders from education, hospital and health system administration, and others gathered to share their expertise, pose questions, and forge new connections to address workforce issues.