Newsletters (with Featured Publication at the top in case I wasn't supposed to delete it)


WCMEW develops monthly publications that shine a spotlight on Wisconsin programs, projects, and workforce members.


Featured Publications

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Mapping Our Way to Success: Regional Workforce Projections

Mapping Our Way to Success: Wisconsin's Physician Workforce presents supply and demand projections for Primary Care Physicians in the year 2035, along with a profile of current physicians, interviews with healthcare stakeholders, and more. Explore: Press Release, Full Report, Issue Brief



WCMEW hosted its annual summit on September 24, drawing healthcare leaders from education and provider organizations throughout the state for a full-day discussion about:

  • How clinicians, educators, and trainers use innovative approaches to solve workforce issues at the community level;

  • What is happening across the state regarding education and training developments; and

  • Sharing opinions on a possible future workforce.

Dr. Hossein Khalili, Director UW CIPE, kicked off the morning session with a presentation on: Preparing Care Teams for Success: Interprofessional Training & Practice.

Dr. Khalili gave an overview of UW’s Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, the mission being “to work collaboratively to...champion, integrate, and advance interprofessional practice and education...”.

Khalili suggested that a fresh look at interprofessional, team-based care is required because there is a need address growing healthcare costs and disparities in healthcare outcomes. IPE can address these challenges more effectively than traditional approaches to healthcare delivery. Advances in informatics and paradigm shifts in care team relationships are accelerating collaborative care, but barriers – such as perceived hierarchical roles, lack of strong governance and leadership, and minimal use of interprofessional education and training – remain.

Dr. Khalili suggested that increased interprofessional socialization, elimination of structural factors such as the silo mentality, and an increase in interprofessional education and training could overcome these barriers.

For more Summit information, please review the Summit brief.


Summit Event Brief (SEPTEMBER 2019)

2019 Wisconsin Healthcare Workforce Summit—Event Brief.


August’s newsletter includes GME Highlights and a Clinical Sites Work Group update.


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July’s newsletter also includes some commentary on “Caring for Wisconsin’s Seniors”.


2019’s Summit will include a panel focusing on policy solutions. June’s newsletter will also highlight a WCMEW presentation to the 2019 WCN conference.

Registration Now Available: 2019 WCMEW Summit; Spring WCMEW Council Meeting, Discussion on Clinical Site Subcommittees (may 2019)

May’s newsletter includes registration information for the 2019 Summit and a summary of the WCMEW Spring Council meeting.


WCMEW Announces 2019 Summit; Aspirus Honors Preceptors (Apr. 2019)

Annual workforce summit to be held Sept. 24 in Oshkosh; Aspirus holds event to recognize trainers and teachers, and Medicine on Main Street highlights rural workforce programs.


regional workforce consortia, hospital workforce reporting, and statewide GME efforts (Feb. 2019)

Wisconsin’s APC workforce continues to grow, and WCMEW highlights the efforts of the La Crosse Medical Health Science Consortium and Lakeshore Health Care Alliance.

WCMEW Discusses workforce with Wisconsin Public Television (Mar. 2019)

March’s newsletter also features several pharmacy programs that support rural health and student learning.

Dedicated partners and new collaborators fuel WCMEW work in 2018 (Dec. 2018)

WCMEW looks back over its 2018 successes, including a workforce summit, policy-informing regional workforce report, and new partnerships.

HRSA Data shows Wisconsin lags behind in production of some health career professions (Jan. 2019)

WCMEW also seeks input from education coordinators and health care leaders for development of a preceptor survey and school inventory.


2018 Summit recap: creating the clinical workforce we need - policies, strategies, and innovations in wisconsin (Nov. summit brief)

Key takeaways from the workforce summit - including considerations for HR, educators, and workforce planning.

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What incentivizes students to select primary care specialties? (Oct. 2018)

WCMEW reviews the evidence and discusses trends with Larry Pheifer, Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians. Students report their experience with preceptors is a primary determinant of interest in primary care practice.

Quarterly Council Meeting: Monroe Clinic Presents Plans for Advanced Practice Clinician Grants (Sept. 2018)

Council members also share legislative priorities for the upcoming session and WCMEW provides updates about its Care Delivery Task Force and Clinical Site Coordination work group.

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Interdisciplinary Leadership Featured at Upcoming Workforce summit (Aug. 2017)

WCMEW Executive Director interviews Dr. Scott Shipman, MD, PhD, Director of Primary Care Initiatives and Workforce Analysis, AAMC, Summit keynote speaker on November 2.


Summer Council Meeting, and Save the Date for Nov. 2 Workforce Summit (June 2018)

WCMEW's Council met in June to discuss Task Force activities and other initiatives.

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WMCEW Announces ExpertS for Care Delivery Task Force (May 2018)

Eight health care experts from rural and urban settings will contribute with a new group designed to explore best practices for care delivery. 

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Preview of Physician Report, Spring Council Meeting (Apr. 2018)

WCMEW recaps its March Council meeting, and previews data for its 2018 physician report featuring WI clinicians. 

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student clinical experiences: opportunities for WI (March 2018)

WCMEW discusses opportunities for greater coordination and collaboration of clinical sites in Wisconsin, and proposes data collection.


care delivery change, new wcmew task force (feb. 2018)

An introduction to WCMEW's new work group: Leveraging WI's Leadership in Care Delivery Change. 

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workforce highlights of 2017 (JAN. 2018)

Learn about WARM, WiNC, GME Funding, Workforce Reports, and other accomplishments from across the state in 2017. 


physician workforce report (2016)

A Work in Progress: Building Wisconsin's Future Physician Workforce analyzes various care delivery scenarios and their anticipated effects on physician demand. The report projects demand in 2035, and provides recommendations for expanding Graduate Medical Education (GME) and other initiatives in Wisconsin.

statewide workforce summit brief (oct. 2017)

This issue of the WCMEW newsletter summarizes the activities from the Statewide Workforce Summit, attended by over 100 health care leaders, policymakers, and educators. 

program spotlight: wisconsin rural physician residency assistance program (july 2017)

The WRPRAP initiatives collaborates with statewide partners and competitively awards grants to develop new and existing sites for rural graduate medical education (GME). 

Physician Assistants in wisconsin (dec. 2017)

Physician Assistants in Wisconsin: Pipelines, Policies, and Practice Data shines light on a critical workforce member, PAs. The publication reviews available data on PA training and practice, and raises questions about system inefficiencies related to clinical site coordination.  

telehealth: An update on the evidence (Sept. 2017)

The September, 2017 publication revisits an element from the 2016 report, focusing on telehealth services. The issue also features a spotlight on the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative's Behavioral Telehealth Network. 

wcmew council activities (june 2017)

The June 2017 issue recaps WCMEW Council activities, legislative issues, and provides program updates. These include funding for allied health professional and Advanced Practice Clinician training, program news for Competitive Wisconsin's workforce initiative, and WARM program outcomes.

Wisconsin's behavioral health care workforce (Nov. 2017)

Wisconsin's Behavioral Health Workforce: Where Do We Stand? addresses the continuing need for behavioral health care providers in the state. Comparisons across counties and states are provided, with special focus on the Psychiatry residency pipeline, and Licensed Clinical Social Workers.  

Recommendations on care delivery (Aug. 2017)

A Work in Progress: Recommendations on Care Delivery checks in on progress regarding care delivery transformations in the state, including new state funding for Advanced Practice Clinicians in rural Wisconsin. 

health care training infrastructure (May 2017)

Availability of clinical sites, preceptors, and statewide systems for quality educational experiences impact Wisconsin's ability to provide a sufficient stream of workforce members.